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Taste of Cape Town Set

Kapstadt erleben und entdecken an nur einem Tag? Was unmöglich klingt, machen wir nun wahr: Mit “The Taste of Cape Town“ und einer kulinarischen Reise der besonderen Art, entführen wir Sie ins Land der Kontraste und Inspirationen, der Subkulturen und Sprachen, des Genusses und der puren Lebenslust. Dabei jagt ein Highlight das nächste, mit dem wir nicht nur Kapstadt von seiner leckersten Seite kennenlernen, sondern auch hautnah erfahren, wo wir unsere Inspirationen für besondere Spezialitäten wie den Cape Malay Blend, den Chakalaka Dip oder den neuen Capebos Gin hernehmen und bekommen noch dazu leckere Verwendungsideen und Rezepte mit an die Hand. Alles, was man für die Reise braucht ist die Taste of Cape Town Box mit 6 leckeren Spezialitäten aus unserer Küchen- und Bar-Welt inklusive einem Rezeptheft und dem dazugehörigen Video.

Das Set enthält: 55g Dukkah Dip, 50g Chakalaka Dip, 58g Cape Malay Blend, 100ml Pfirsich-Maracuja Crema, 40ml Dattel-Speck Crema, 100ml Marula-Sahne Likör (17% vol), 100ml Capebos Gin (42% vol).

Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie auf unserer EVENTSEITE

Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Available / Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

The Taste of Cape Town recreates the taste of South African cuisine and Cape Malay cuisine home. The tip for South African dishes and for dishes like bobotie, chakalaka, samoosas, chili bites or typical Cape Malay recipes. Try a delicious gin and tonic with Capebos Gin or a cocktail with Marula cream liqueur. The gift set for the kitchen and best gift for the bar.

Dukkah Dip
The nutty, oriental notes of almonds and sesame as well as the fresh taste of fine spearmint give the Dukkah its special character. Coriander, cumin and chillies provide the delicious spice that makes the Egyptian classic so special. In the land of the Pharaohs, this spicy mixture is traditionally served as a starter or dip and is used to refine couscous as well as chicken, fish, lamb and stews. But this dip also goes perfectly with our trip through Cape Town and its “multicultural cuisine”.

Chakalaka Dip
Chakalaka is the ultimate barbecue sauce in Africa: for meat, bread or vegetables. But our Chakalaka Dip, in The form of this African spice mixture can do even more: It is also ideal for seasoning stews and sauces, as a spicy, spicy addition to home-baked bread and, mixed with oil, as a marinade for meat, fish and vegetables. With yogurt and crème frâiche it becomes a delicious dip for grilling. Our tip: A typical South African bobotie can be made in no time with the Chakalaka Dip.

Cape Malay Blend
Cape Malay cuisine is unique: a fusion of the best from Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Madagascar, Europe and East and North Africa. With history and religion, it has developed over centuries through adaptation and ingenuity, new and old ingredients into a culinary highlight to which we dedicate this blend: a spice mixture that refines meat and vegetables with a unique spicy and herbal note. Sea salt, curry, chillies, black cumin, coriander, fennel, cocoa powder, orange peel, ginger, cardamom and star anise are just an excerpt of the hearty-sweet combination that brings the diversity and liveliness of Cape Malaysian cuisine into your own four walls.

Peach-passionfruit crema
One sweet and juicy, the other fruity, fresh and exotic: peach and passion fruit are simply a delicious combination. This vinegar specialty proves how delicious it is. With a mild acidity of 3%, it is versatile and refines your favorite dishes with a special, fruity, fresh note. Our recommendation: in salad dressing, with chicken dishes or in mineral water as a refreshing drink. Also delicious: in secco.

Date-bacon crema
This syrup brings creativity into your bar. With the typical taste of juniper, a subtle citrus note, harmoniously balanced botanicals and a fine bitter note, you can easily create your alcohol-free alternative to gin or versatile drinks - simply mix and enjoy.

Marula cream liqueur
The delicious taste of the plum-sized Marula fruits from the South African elephant tree gives this specialty its unique character. The sweet-tart notes harmonize perfectly with the creamy cream.


Trocken, wärme- und lichtgeschützt lagern.

Responsible Food Business Operator:

Wajos GmbH, Zur Höhe 1, D-56812 Dohr, www.wajos.de

Erleben Sie eine kulinarische Reise nach Kapstadt:
- Für einen „Themenabend“ und eine Reise in den eigenen vier Wänden.
- Zum Verschenken an Genießer, Weltenbummler und Südafrika-Liebhaber.
- Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Kulinarik Kapstadts.
- Für Rezepte der südafrikanischen und Kap-Malaiischen Küche.
- Für leckere Drinks und Gin Tonic.
- Für mehr Vielfalt in der eigenen Küche.
- Als Geschenk für Hobby- Köche und Genießer.

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The Taste of Cape Town recreates the taste of South African cuisine and Cape Malay cuisine home. The tip for South African dishes and for dishes like bobotie, chakalaka, samoosas, chili bites or typical Cape Malay recipes. Try a delicious gin and tonic with Capebos Gin or a cocktail with Marula cream liqueur. The gift set for the kitchen and best gift for the bar.

Dukkah Dip
The nutty, oriental notes of almonds and sesame as well as the fresh taste of fine spearmint give the Dukkah its special character. Coriander, cumin and chillies provide the delicious spice that makes the Egyptian classic so special. In the land of the Pharaohs, this spicy mixture is traditionally served as a starter or dip and is used to refine couscous as well as chicken, fish, lamb and stews. But this dip also goes perfectly with our trip through Cape Town and its “multicultural cuisine”.

Chakalaka Dip
Chakalaka is the ultimate barbecue sauce in Africa: for meat, bread or vegetables. But our Chakalaka Dip, in The form of this African spice mixture can do even more: It is also ideal for seasoning stews and sauces, as a spicy, spicy addition to home-baked bread and, mixed with oil, as a marinade for meat, fish and vegetables. With yogurt and crème frâiche it becomes a delicious dip for grilling. Our tip: A typical South African bobotie can be made in no time with the Chakalaka Dip.

Cape Malay Blend
Cape Malay cuisine is unique: a fusion of the best from Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Madagascar, Europe and East and North Africa. With history and religion, it has developed over centuries through adaptation and ingenuity, new and old ingredients into a culinary highlight to which we dedicate this blend: a spice mixture that refines meat and vegetables with a unique spicy and herbal note. Sea salt, curry, chillies, black cumin, coriander, fennel, cocoa powder, orange peel, ginger, cardamom and star anise are just an excerpt of the hearty-sweet combination that brings the diversity and liveliness of Cape Malaysian cuisine into your own four walls.

Peach-passionfruit crema
One sweet and juicy, the other fruity, fresh and exotic: peach and passion fruit are simply a delicious combination. This vinegar specialty proves how delicious it is. With a mild acidity of 3%, it is versatile and refines your favorite dishes with a special, fruity, fresh note. Our recommendation: in salad dressing, with chicken dishes or in mineral water as a refreshing drink. Also delicious: in secco.

Date-bacon crema
This syrup brings creativity into your bar. With the typical taste of juniper, a subtle citrus note, harmoniously balanced botanicals and a fine bitter note, you can easily create your alcohol-free alternative to gin or versatile drinks - simply mix and enjoy.

Marula cream liqueur
The delicious taste of the plum-sized Marula fruits from the South African elephant tree gives this specialty its unique character. The sweet-tart notes harmonize perfectly with the creamy cream.


Trocken, wärme- und lichtgeschützt lagern.

Responsible Food Business Operator:

Wajos GmbH, Zur Höhe 1, D-56812 Dohr, www.wajos.de


Erleben Sie eine kulinarische Reise nach Kapstadt:
- Für einen „Themenabend“ und eine Reise in den eigenen vier Wänden.
- Zum Verschenken an Genießer, Weltenbummler und Südafrika-Liebhaber.
- Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Kulinarik Kapstadts.
- Für Rezepte der südafrikanischen und Kap-Malaiischen Küche.
- Für leckere Drinks und Gin Tonic.
- Für mehr Vielfalt in der eigenen Küche.
- Als Geschenk für Hobby- Köche und Genießer.


Any Questions? Feel free to get in contact with us!

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Marcel Mix

Sehr lecker. Tolles Set

Yannick Nicola
Leckere Gewürze und Liköre

Alles super !


Es kam toll an, da es etwas anderes ist als Schokolade und Wein und noch ein extra Abend damit verbracht werden kann.

Frank Schäfer
Ein Genuss

Mit Freunden einen lustigen Abend mit kulinarisch Geschmackserlebnissen, einfach klasse.