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Pizza set

Schluss mit Tiefkühlpizza – selbstgemacht ist das neue lecker! Die einen lieben sie mit dickem Boden und Rand, die anderen lieber schön dünn und kross wie beim Italiener: Pizza. Warum also auf die fertige Pizza aus der Tiefkühltruhe zurückgreifen, wenn man sich seinen Liebling ganz einfach selbstmachen kann? Genau dafür haben wir unser neues Pizza-Set kreiert – für mehr Spaß in der Küche und einzigartigen Pizzagenuss! Inhalt: Basilikum Pesto (180g), Patatas Bravas Dip (90g), Toskana Blend (55g), Rucola Würzöl (250ml), Arrabbiata Sauce (50g).

Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Available / Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

No more frozen pizza - homemade is the new delicious: And with this pizza set you can make your own pizza in no time. The set includes everything you need for a good pizza: herbs and spices to refine, a delicious sauce and oil to drizzle.

So if you are looking for a delicious gift for the kitchen, pizza herbs or ingredients for a homemade pizza, then you have found the perfect offer. This can be the next pizza evening, the cozy TV evening or even the dinner date. Get creative together and create your own favorite pizza. No matter whether Pizza Mediterrana, Pizza Diavolo or basil pizza.

Everything we love about rocket: its unique nutty spice, the delicately tart note, a slightly peppery touch and a touch of freshness. Based on fine virgin olive oil and the best rapeseed oil, enjoyment is guaranteed - for example in salad dressing or for drizzling on pasta or pizza.

The spicy seasoning mixture with tomatoes, garlic, peppers and chillies is traditionally used in Spain to season roasted potatoes. Patatas Bravas is also very tasty as a marinade for anything that needs to be a little spicier and as a dip for vegetables and bread. This dip also gives our favorite egg recipes a delicious spiciness and is ideal as a seasoning.

The typical herbs and spices of Tuscany combined in a seasoning mixture: The Tuscany Blend tastes classic as a dip for breadsticks, for seasoning pasta, meat and fish dishes, in cream cheese as a spread or of course with eggs - as a spice or as herbs that you stir into the omelet.

This mixture with sun-ripened tomatoes has a pleasantly spicy note. The red chillies in this Arrabbiata sauce are not only hot, but also have a delicate taste of their own, which not only makes penne more delicious, but also gives your pizza a very special touch.

With the delicate taste of fresh basil, roasted pine nuts, spicy Parmesan and the best olive oil, this Piedmontese pesto is an all-rounder that refines Mediterranean dishes of all kinds and your favorite pizza.

Responsible Food Business Operator:

Wajos GmbH, Zur Höhe 1, D-56812 Dohr, www.wajos.de

Zaubern Sie mit unseren Gewürzmischungen ein leckeres Pesto für Pizza oder geben Sie Ihrer Tomatensauce eine schöne Würze. Wer es gerne scharf mag, krönt seine Pizza mit der Arrabbiata Sauce. Das Rucola Würzöl ist zum Pizza beträufeln perfekt. Mit dieser Auswahl sind Ihrer Kreativität für Ihre leckersten Pizza Rezepte keine Grenzen gesetzt.

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No more frozen pizza - homemade is the new delicious: And with this pizza set you can make your own pizza in no time. The set includes everything you need for a good pizza: herbs and spices to refine, a delicious sauce and oil to drizzle.

So if you are looking for a delicious gift for the kitchen, pizza herbs or ingredients for a homemade pizza, then you have found the perfect offer. This can be the next pizza evening, the cozy TV evening or even the dinner date. Get creative together and create your own favorite pizza. No matter whether Pizza Mediterrana, Pizza Diavolo or basil pizza.

Everything we love about rocket: its unique nutty spice, the delicately tart note, a slightly peppery touch and a touch of freshness. Based on fine virgin olive oil and the best rapeseed oil, enjoyment is guaranteed - for example in salad dressing or for drizzling on pasta or pizza.

The spicy seasoning mixture with tomatoes, garlic, peppers and chillies is traditionally used in Spain to season roasted potatoes. Patatas Bravas is also very tasty as a marinade for anything that needs to be a little spicier and as a dip for vegetables and bread. This dip also gives our favorite egg recipes a delicious spiciness and is ideal as a seasoning.

The typical herbs and spices of Tuscany combined in a seasoning mixture: The Tuscany Blend tastes classic as a dip for breadsticks, for seasoning pasta, meat and fish dishes, in cream cheese as a spread or of course with eggs - as a spice or as herbs that you stir into the omelet.

This mixture with sun-ripened tomatoes has a pleasantly spicy note. The red chillies in this Arrabbiata sauce are not only hot, but also have a delicate taste of their own, which not only makes penne more delicious, but also gives your pizza a very special touch.

With the delicate taste of fresh basil, roasted pine nuts, spicy Parmesan and the best olive oil, this Piedmontese pesto is an all-rounder that refines Mediterranean dishes of all kinds and your favorite pizza.

Responsible Food Business Operator:

Wajos GmbH, Zur Höhe 1, D-56812 Dohr, www.wajos.de


Zaubern Sie mit unseren Gewürzmischungen ein leckeres Pesto für Pizza oder geben Sie Ihrer Tomatensauce eine schöne Würze. Wer es gerne scharf mag, krönt seine Pizza mit der Arrabbiata Sauce. Das Rucola Würzöl ist zum Pizza beträufeln perfekt. Mit dieser Auswahl sind Ihrer Kreativität für Ihre leckersten Pizza Rezepte keine Grenzen gesetzt.


Any Questions? Feel free to get in contact with us!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Emelie Fokken
Sehr begeistert

Die Produkte kamen schön verpackt und sehr schnell bei mir an. Alle sehen sehr hochwertig aus, man müsste sie theoretisch nicht nochmal einpacken und könnte sie so unter den Weihnachtsbaum stellen.

Ralf Weimer
Pizza Set

Sehr lecker

Nathalie Mündt
Tolle Köstlichkeiten zum Verschenken

Super Geschenke und Mitbringsel für jeden Anlass, auch jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten wird man hier fündig!

Aneta Pohlen
Pizza Set

Sehr lecker !